Summer Course NAWA 2024


Thanks to our specially tailored program you can learn about Poland in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere! There are so many interesting things ahead of us! Sign up today!

We will soon inform you of the date and conditions of recruitment.

NAWA Summer course is designed for students and academic teachers
of foreign universities who are foreigners or have dual citizenship (Polish and
citizenship of another country), for whom Polish is not the first language, who
do not study, are not employed and do not live in Poland and who speak Polish
or English at a level of at least B1

The course – including all activities related to them, as well as accommodation and meals – are free of charge. Participants cover only the cost of travel to Poland and back, as well as the cost of medical insurance, including possible costs of transport to the country of residence. This insurance is obligatory, but you do not have to buy it if the country of citizenship of the course participant has signed relevant agreements with Poland.

The responsibilities of course participants also include:


  • achieving the minimum attendance at classes indicated by the center organizing the course,
  • participation in evaluation activities during and after the course, including completing an online survey within 14 days of its availability, access to which will be provided before the end of the course,
  • cooperation with the organizer and lecturers in order to achieve the best course results,
  • taking care of the place of accommodation, places of classes and entrusted didactic materials (applies to on-site courses).

What do we offer?

  • 45 hours of Polish classes at different proficiency levels (the participants will be assigned to groups according to the results of the online test send to candidate’s e-mail and their declaration in the application form); (15 hours per week);
  • 30 hours of lectures on Polish history, literature, culture
    and reality (including Polish culture for beginners, computer games, latest literature)

  • numerous workshops (journalism, dance, theater,
    articulation!), yoga and intercultural laboratory, integration events (10 hours/week);

  • guided walking tours around Poznań and excursions outside the city:
    • Renaissance and baroque architecture in Poznań – the Old Market, Town Hall, the Parish Church (reading the inscriptions and deciphering the allegorical figures), sightseeing the Old Town in Poznań
    • At the source of Polish statehood – Cathedral Island, the Cathedral, archdiocese museum, the Śródka district (introduction to the historical figures of Polish kings, bishop Wojciech and bishop Stanisław). Sightseeing the Cathedral Island, the Śródka district and Lake Malta
    • Around the Mickiewicz Square – from the royal-caesarian past to the fall of communism. Sightseeing the Kaiser’s district and Jeżyce district in Poznań
    • Enigma Cipher Center
    • We will visit the Poznań area! Trips, e.g. to Puszczykowo,
      Nowy Tomyśl, Rogalin or Kórnik. We will also discover lakes near Poznań

For those who are interested in handicraft we have planned an excursion to Nowy Tomyśl, to the Wicker Museum. It is the biggest site of such type in Europe. Apart from sightseeing the museum we plan to organize a one-day wicker workshops (in August one of the attractions of the Hop&Wicker Fair is the Nationwide Wicker Weaving Competition, and every few years guests from all around the world visit the World Wicker and Weaving Festival).

We want  you to get to know Poznań and Poland as a country of many green spaces, with a variety of natural wonders, using the natural grounds for museum exhibitions and concerts. Poznań has many urban green spaces, forest areas and lakes, where you can spend your leisure time in nature and escape the heat and noise during the summer. Besides, this natural refreshment goes hand in hand with culture.

You may enjoy this! You’re welcome to join us! 



ul. Piątkowska 80
60-649 Poznań